john crabb
donald trump
vice president
pompeo- can you believe the name- end of civilisation
billionaires who funded trump including former eu ambassador
attorney general
trumps sons
trumps son in law
most of the republican senate
much of the demo senate
LAST SUMMIT FUTURE- we come to bury science fiction only natural science ai matters to those who love millennials notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of1 billiongirls; fortunately this happened in Clara's town the patron saint of health for mothers & infants also the Pacific Coast East birthplace of 1965 Moore's chips, and 2016 Hoppers 80 billion chip Gpu. In the most exciting, at invite you to Gamify worldclassllm by celebrating greatest herstories through every community on earth's new & old worlds
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
Can Economists map 8 billion human relationships to be joyful and sustainable. This centuruy old question begun by Maths Goats Neumann Eintstein et al is coming down to the wire: extinction or sustainability of speies . 2 main protagonits since 1970a billion poorest asian women have mapped quarer of the world's population's development with deeer joy and sustainability than all the wealth of American-English mindsets. Somwehere in netween the majority of human intels and almost infinet ART Intels wonder what UN2 countdown to 2030 can do next...LET's start with mapping SHELFF economies : S5 She-too womens intel built communities S3 Health: S4 Ed3 S0 LandLeaders s2 Food S1*17 Financial platforms (the 100 grey=blocks of intel between Unations & WallStreets notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
See the world of Jensen, Li , Hassabis &&& Neumann survey What good will humans unite wherever get first access to 100+ times more tech every decade: Jensen liftoff 1996 Li & Hassabis (DeepTrain Computers) first seen in valley 2009; moment1 2012 Global Games Imagenet, moment 2a alphafold go world champon & Google Transformer Attention Before we our 1982 intervuewDoeers in 1965 the twin Clara-Tokyo .Exps appeared: Intel's 100 times moore tech per decade Tokyo olympics sighting of Satellite telecoms (EJ:see 3 leaders vision connections JFK , Prince Charles, Emperor Hiorhito) - | Why not co=pilot JLHABITAT MAGIC everywhere- ie celebrate brainpower innovation maps : Jensen*Li*Hopper*Alphafold2*Blackwell*Intel*Transformer*Attention*Twins - MediateAGIChaos started up around Einsten and his revolution in margs of nature teamed up as NET: Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Sadly for 30 years the 20th C asked its 3 greatest maths brains to win atomic bomb race for allies -this left them 1951-6 to train Econonist Journalosts and others round last notes computer & brain on 2 new engines type 6 brainworking. type 7 Autonomous Intelligence Mapping |

Saturday, January 31, 1970
Sunday, January 4, 1970
Saturday, January 3, 1970
Thursday, January 1, 1970
69 moon landing; 72 uk khan academy
How did you see (or would you have seen) man landing on the moon in 1969?
one small step for man, a large leap for mankind
a celebration of best of what man and computer can do (in a extremely collaborative process and a big hairy audacious goal project of about 7 year duration)
the most famous worldwide instantaneous event opportunity to unite human species in what can we uniquely do next
In 1969, my 18 year old mind and more valuably that of my 46 year-old father Norman Macrae The Economist's end poverty economist saw it hopefully as all of these opportunities.
The entrepreneurial revolution question to debate with everyone: what compound opportunities and risks could happen next?
The one thing we would bank our livelihoods on (and anyone who would listen) was that the doubling of spend in global communications every 7 years that had started in 1946 would continue on for many more 7 year periods quite likely through the furst quarter of the 21st century.
In other world by (say) 2030, 4000 times more would be spent on worldwide communicatiosn in treal terms than in 1946.
This would be an inter-generational revolution in the human,lot that dwarfed any other human revolution from the invention of the printing press to the steam engine that begot the industrial revolution.
We were not betting this on just the word changing event of the moon landing alone- the year before intel was founded with the Moores law goal of doubling silicon chip power to analyse every 2 years or so.
And we believed that back on earth the huge productivity story would come from satellites death of distance- ie the cost of telecommunications would within a couple of decades be no longer dependent on whether you were communicating next door or around the world. That suggested everyone should be free to maximise virtual livelihoods as well as what histiorically was known as real productivity (conventionally counted by economists in boxed silos called GDPs)
In father's view, it was essential to move on the debate of advanced economics from: zero sum trades of making lifeless things to service economy where peoples emotional passoin as well as grwoth of experiential learning was the primary driver both of economy and society to knowledge economy- which we could define as taking value way above zero sum models; because actionable knowhow can multiply value in use unlike the consuming up of hings . In parallel, ending poverty in village economies would require openly collaborative innovations (and sustainability mapping) never seen during the industrial revolution -
EXPONENTIAL THREAT If the world biggest future organisations (some already larger than all but 5 nations economies) continued with tangible zero sum auditing: where success is how much you quarterly extract and externalise not how much you sustain and collaboratively win-win (NB economics of networks of systems need organisation-wide maps/charters for seeing far more than the sum of their parts) then the world of 4000 times more global communications and technology more analytically powerful than individual human minds would spin the way of Orwell's big brother scenario (in fact all Orwell's advisory had got wrong was a timeline one generation too early- if big brotherdom spins hyperconnectivity it will drown/lose much of the generation starting in 1984, and accelerate collapsing systems, failed states, ultimately catatrophes that man has scaled up to natures planet-wide scale)
EXPONENTIAL OPPORTUNITY 1984 to 1972-Norman Macrae's 4 major Futures Reports with The Economist
1972 The Next 40 Year -where communications revolution changes humanity and the planet
1976 Survey of The Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution
1982 We're all Intrapreneurial Now- service economies already produce more value than tjhing economies in world's richest nations- what does this mean for productive economics 1984's
2025 report mapping timelines of whether millennial generation will be invested in by their parents to compound sustainability exponential risings of r the opposite
UK "Khan Academy" 1972 (Details to come)
The opportunity scenario blossomned around dad and me when almost by accident we became involved with the UK national Development Porject for Computer Assisted Learning - starting in 1972 with dad as an obesrver turning CAL explorations into leadership debates of nerepreneurial revolutiion at The Economist and myself as first employer after postgraduating in statistics at Corpus Christi University of Cambriegde - a college (arguably one of Cambridge's most community caring and cross-cultural -eg after father's stint there ending in 198, manmohan singh was soon to arrive and his tesis was on ending underclasses within and across national bodrers- something of great interest to him as an Indian refugee from west pakistan - more at accidents of macrae family tree and 25 years of gandhi mediation) that generation on both my paternal and maternal family tree had experienced. What I didnt know when I first feel in love with khan academy style open elarning netwirks was that American societyhad come to fear youth so much that USA was hell bent on making university education expensive- chainging student in future debts. I had ever nbeen to USA as at 1972. I wasnt really aware that down on the ground- there were shootings iof students at Kent state not borderelss celebrations of moon landing. I wasnt aware that elders in society were so ftighterned by such belated dynmaics as end of segragation and the way mass media manipulated theur efars that they would re-elect the sort of nixon that would call jkent state students bums. In other words, while it seemed to me obvious that if humanity was destined to spend 499=0 times more on worldwide communication, we needed to be designing the smartets open elarning m,edia not more of the mass tv comansd and control tv adevrtising industry, I wasnt aware that the USA as a whole was not the nation most liklely to celebarte open learning networking as fast and as deeply diversely as humanly possible This is another reason why in journalising the story of te human lot's outcome from spenidng 4900 times more on communications, I would advise very millennails to celebarte waht open collaborations advancing hyukan livelihoods progressed from 1946 at www.economistafrica.cpom not just
one small step for man, a large leap for mankind
a celebration of best of what man and computer can do (in a extremely collaborative process and a big hairy audacious goal project of about 7 year duration)
the most famous worldwide instantaneous event opportunity to unite human species in what can we uniquely do next
In 1969, my 18 year old mind and more valuably that of my 46 year-old father Norman Macrae The Economist's end poverty economist saw it hopefully as all of these opportunities.
The entrepreneurial revolution question to debate with everyone: what compound opportunities and risks could happen next?
The one thing we would bank our livelihoods on (and anyone who would listen) was that the doubling of spend in global communications every 7 years that had started in 1946 would continue on for many more 7 year periods quite likely through the furst quarter of the 21st century.
In other world by (say) 2030, 4000 times more would be spent on worldwide communicatiosn in treal terms than in 1946.
This would be an inter-generational revolution in the human,lot that dwarfed any other human revolution from the invention of the printing press to the steam engine that begot the industrial revolution.
We were not betting this on just the word changing event of the moon landing alone- the year before intel was founded with the Moores law goal of doubling silicon chip power to analyse every 2 years or so.
And we believed that back on earth the huge productivity story would come from satellites death of distance- ie the cost of telecommunications would within a couple of decades be no longer dependent on whether you were communicating next door or around the world. That suggested everyone should be free to maximise virtual livelihoods as well as what histiorically was known as real productivity (conventionally counted by economists in boxed silos called GDPs)
- 3 years ago
Editors at The Economist discuss entrepreneurial revolution and why Norman Macrae supported Bangladeshi Microfinance ...
In father's view, it was essential to move on the debate of advanced economics from: zero sum trades of making lifeless things to service economy where peoples emotional passoin as well as grwoth of experiential learning was the primary driver both of economy and society to knowledge economy- which we could define as taking value way above zero sum models; because actionable knowhow can multiply value in use unlike the consuming up of hings . In parallel, ending poverty in village economies would require openly collaborative innovations (and sustainability mapping) never seen during the industrial revolution -
EXPONENTIAL THREAT If the world biggest future organisations (some already larger than all but 5 nations economies) continued with tangible zero sum auditing: where success is how much you quarterly extract and externalise not how much you sustain and collaboratively win-win (NB economics of networks of systems need organisation-wide maps/charters for seeing far more than the sum of their parts) then the world of 4000 times more global communications and technology more analytically powerful than individual human minds would spin the way of Orwell's big brother scenario (in fact all Orwell's advisory had got wrong was a timeline one generation too early- if big brotherdom spins hyperconnectivity it will drown/lose much of the generation starting in 1984, and accelerate collapsing systems, failed states, ultimately catatrophes that man has scaled up to natures planet-wide scale)
EXPONENTIAL OPPORTUNITY 1984 to 1972-Norman Macrae's 4 major Futures Reports with The Economist
1972 The Next 40 Year -where communications revolution changes humanity and the planet
1976 Survey of The Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution
1982 We're all Intrapreneurial Now- service economies already produce more value than tjhing economies in world's richest nations- what does this mean for productive economics 1984's
2025 report mapping timelines of whether millennial generation will be invested in by their parents to compound sustainability exponential risings of r the opposite
UK "Khan Academy" 1972 (Details to come)
The opportunity scenario blossomned around dad and me when almost by accident we became involved with the UK national Development Porject for Computer Assisted Learning - starting in 1972 with dad as an obesrver turning CAL explorations into leadership debates of nerepreneurial revolutiion at The Economist and myself as first employer after postgraduating in statistics at Corpus Christi University of Cambriegde - a college (arguably one of Cambridge's most community caring and cross-cultural -eg after father's stint there ending in 198, manmohan singh was soon to arrive and his tesis was on ending underclasses within and across national bodrers- something of great interest to him as an Indian refugee from west pakistan - more at accidents of macrae family tree and 25 years of gandhi mediation) that generation on both my paternal and maternal family tree had experienced. What I didnt know when I first feel in love with khan academy style open elarning netwirks was that American societyhad come to fear youth so much that USA was hell bent on making university education expensive- chainging student in future debts. I had ever nbeen to USA as at 1972. I wasnt really aware that down on the ground- there were shootings iof students at Kent state not borderelss celebrations of moon landing. I wasnt aware that elders in society were so ftighterned by such belated dynmaics as end of segragation and the way mass media manipulated theur efars that they would re-elect the sort of nixon that would call jkent state students bums. In other words, while it seemed to me obvious that if humanity was destined to spend 499=0 times more on worldwide communication, we needed to be designing the smartets open elarning m,edia not more of the mass tv comansd and control tv adevrtising industry, I wasnt aware that the USA as a whole was not the nation most liklely to celebarte open learning networking as fast and as deeply diversely as humanly possible This is another reason why in journalising the story of te human lot's outcome from spenidng 4900 times more on communications, I would advise very millennails to celebarte waht open collaborations advancing hyukan livelihoods progressed from 1946 at www.economistafrica.cpom not just
The truth about the world before 1946
If you lived in a place with more than 10 million people, and most of them could live within 40 miles of the sea, and you hadn't been colonised- then most of your people were now advancing way beyond subsistence- a growth dynamic of up to 200 times more wealth and health (eg more than doubling of working life expectancies) made possible with the dawn of the industrial revolution.
Before the 19th century, kings and their armies lived well. More or less everyone else at subsistence level. There may have be a few local civilisation exceptions -some by the sea, the other with very deep cultural designs no longer widely understood
Arguably the USA beacme a lasding exception as the 20th C dawned- while most people did live within reach of the sea (or big rivers) it wasnt a colonial power in the traditional sense, it built highways across the country faster and more abundantly than anywhere else. Oddly this big market inside meant that a nation that had been built on imigrants had relatively small interest in global trades until world wars chnaned everything
Notwithstanding colonial issues, the problem caused by huge inland continents was that the industrial revolution had no economical answer to reaching them with electricity grids or running water or communications. And remembering that televisual news did not reach masses of people anywhere until after 1946, unless you were a missionary you (and your social network) probably didnt know much about rural peoples abroad, and in some large continents not so much about your own rural peoples.
Thus it was that spnending on wordlwide communications made possible what the industrial revolution had not. Ending about half the world living in susbsistence (or what we in 21st C the extreme poverty of less than $1.5 dollars a day)
It seems to me that what we needed to design into worldwide communications as these blossomed from 1946 was every opportunity to celebrate ending of poverty -wherever this came from it could have been a collaboaratuve joy. After all peoples getting linked into electricity, water , health, communications including education does not take away from your advanced lifestyle. Or if some would say that it introduces ecological conflicts. I would counter that the planet's solar and water systems are abundant enough by a long way provided only we transform beyond carbon based energy systems.
This passage isnt supposed to be absolutely precise, bur rather a rough guide to post-indsutrial revolution . To the future of being human that anyone coming of age after 1946 could have wanted to link into - the more so as doubling of worldwide communications spends every 7 years became an unstoppable movement from 1946 to 2030
If you lived in a place with more than 10 million people, and most of them could live within 40 miles of the sea, and you hadn't been colonised- then most of your people were now advancing way beyond subsistence- a growth dynamic of up to 200 times more wealth and health (eg more than doubling of working life expectancies) made possible with the dawn of the industrial revolution.
Before the 19th century, kings and their armies lived well. More or less everyone else at subsistence level. There may have be a few local civilisation exceptions -some by the sea, the other with very deep cultural designs no longer widely understood
Arguably the USA beacme a lasding exception as the 20th C dawned- while most people did live within reach of the sea (or big rivers) it wasnt a colonial power in the traditional sense, it built highways across the country faster and more abundantly than anywhere else. Oddly this big market inside meant that a nation that had been built on imigrants had relatively small interest in global trades until world wars chnaned everything
Notwithstanding colonial issues, the problem caused by huge inland continents was that the industrial revolution had no economical answer to reaching them with electricity grids or running water or communications. And remembering that televisual news did not reach masses of people anywhere until after 1946, unless you were a missionary you (and your social network) probably didnt know much about rural peoples abroad, and in some large continents not so much about your own rural peoples.
Thus it was that spnending on wordlwide communications made possible what the industrial revolution had not. Ending about half the world living in susbsistence (or what we in 21st C the extreme poverty of less than $1.5 dollars a day)
It seems to me that what we needed to design into worldwide communications as these blossomed from 1946 was every opportunity to celebrate ending of poverty -wherever this came from it could have been a collaboaratuve joy. After all peoples getting linked into electricity, water , health, communications including education does not take away from your advanced lifestyle. Or if some would say that it introduces ecological conflicts. I would counter that the planet's solar and water systems are abundant enough by a long way provided only we transform beyond carbon based energy systems.
This passage isnt supposed to be absolutely precise, bur rather a rough guide to post-indsutrial revolution . To the future of being human that anyone coming of age after 1946 could have wanted to link into - the more so as doubling of worldwide communications spends every 7 years became an unstoppable movement from 1946 to 2030
maps of borderless world- where sustainability's best knowhow solutions were netwirked by worldwide millennials

I've researched innovation in over 50 of world's largest corporations but BRAC is:
the most purposeful organisational system with the best brand chartering
the most colaborative network of partners sustained over the long periods development expoentials need
in terms of end-poverty impacts/solutions that it empowers womns with, the most borderless ( and largest ) ngo
and it all started from bottom up disaster relief a year after new nation of bangaldesh was born poorest ineastern world in 1972 -when a local cyclone kiled half a million people and suir fazle was last infrastricyor e left (at time working as the shell oil's multinational man in bangaldesh)
brac did not rush to go international and apart from neighbours waited until 21st C of digital communications before it started replicating its most live saving francvhises:
its a mistake to map brac as like any micricredit organisation you may hear advocay for- although in bangladesh it now serves 8 million village mothers with microcredit plus, and has the most complete presence as a development bank in any nation that I have analysed : microcredit, urban poor bank, cashless and remittances banking
from 1972's disaster relief bangladesh to paulo-freire inspired action learning and mentoring to earning the world's poorest village mothers womens trust as a community health service network -this became the greatest womens social network ever, as it promised to train women up for livelihoods at the lowest cost possible(what the loans were taken for, and savings were taught in the same pocess) and in most cases brac could guarantee a hard working village lady sales as it sought to design whole markets value chains around the poorest; ultimately this ownership invested back its surplus: in the local producers and in becoming a sustainable enterprise- BRAC's sir fazle abed says his dream is to become 90% independent of aid; the 10% enabling brac to take on the most innovative projects aid ever sponsors
we will come back and comment on some other borderless maps - but we find that fans who cheer on the race of bottom-up end poverty and job creating economics tend to linkin across borders as they find each other- george soros probably first found dhaka when he was world's first to invest in mobile partberships with pooerst villagers actually enabling muhammad yunus netwiorks in 1996 to launch gramen phone
but over the years soros has found brac far more replicable in the places he wanted to invest in like west africa; or in the community markets he wanted to support like healthcare (esepcially end tuberculosis) in which soros has helped unite partners in health and brac as the 2 world leaders in building health care systems out of nothing otherb than had working vilagers
moreover our top picture shows 2014 NY celebration when grameen's first female director Naila Chowdhury of mobile mothers partnerships at grameenphone 1996-2012 awarded sir fazle the UN star prize of applauded by over 50 first ladies and open technologists
word bank video curricula rice mushrooms carrots chickens dairy more |
ATL? staging the most scalable and game changing millennials network in 2015's year of sustainability? Other nominations welcome

2015now q1 Having overshot so many sustainability crossroads, who gets how hard it will be? ECONOMISTASIA- Jim Kim:2030now scripts (hopefully can bolden other Korea influencers) -story to elders why not invest in 25-35 professionals as most educated, connected, collaborative- capable of any human race goals if we invest sustainaby in them Probably Jack Ma gets Berners Lee bon mots "The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past." Which youth hubs: MIt, Ushahidi,.. CHINA-WHO? ECONOMISTSOUTH Paul Farmer (Boston/MIT) POP with Pope Francis (Rome and catholics in safe places (eg philippines, s.anerica) as communities most sustainable collaboration cultire) ECONOMISTBORDERS Alumni of Soros and Gorbachev : Open Society and Ineteconomics and edgiest of peace laureates (eg solidarite walesa, womens peace laureates) ECONOMISTELDERS Potentially Ted Turner if we could have got to his family; sarah sainsbury if she could have surveyed who understood meta-role of BBC 2015q2 Who Solutions can scale virally/positively if safely invested in? ?Mobilewomen4E ?BRAC's ?Open Learning Platforms | ...before 1946.
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