Updated Jan 2018 - china and celac meet at chile -pior notes on celac
2011, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
(CELAC) which includes all the 33 countries in Latin America
and the Caribbean region was founded, offering an important
basis for the establishment of China-CELAC Forum, which
was established later.
4. What is the purpose of China-CELAC Forum?
China-CELAC Forum aims at promoting the development of
the comprehensive cooperative partnership based on equality, mu
tual benefit and common development between China and LAC
5. Who are the members of China-CELAC Forum?
China-CELAC Forum includes China and the 33 member
states of CELAC: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Bar
bados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada,
Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Santa Lucia, Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago,
Uruguay, and Venezuela.
from larouche jan 18
LAST SUMMIT FUTURE- we come to bury science fiction only natural science ai matters to those who love millennials
AdamSmith.app notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of1 billiongirls; fortunately this happened in Clara's town the patron saint of health for mothers & infants also the Pacific Coast East birthplace of 1965 Moore's chips, and 2016 Hoppers 80 billion chip Gpu. In the most exciting AI20s.com, at EconomistWomen.com invite you to Gamify worldclassllm by celebrating greatest herstories through every community on earth's new & old worlds
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
Can Economists map 8 billion human relationships to be joyful and sustainable. This centuruy old question begun by Maths Goats Neumann Eintstein et al is coming down to the wire: extinction or sustainability of speies -2030reports.com . 2 main protagonits since 1970a billion poorest asian women have mapped quarer of the world's population's development with deeer joy and sustainability than all the wealth of American-English mindsets. Somwehere in netween the majority of human intels and almost infinet ART Intels wonder what UN2 countdown to 2030 can do next...LET's start with mapping SHELFF economies : S5 She-too womens intel built communities S3 Health: S4 Ed3 S0 LandLeaders s2 Food S1*17 Financial platforms (the 100 grey=blocks of intel between Unations & WallStreets

AdamSmith.app notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
See the world of Jensen, Li , Hassabis &&& Neumann survey What good will humans unite wherever get first access to 100+ times more tech every decade: Jensen liftoff 1996 Li & Hassabis (DeepTrain Computers) first seen in valley 2009; moment1 2012 Global Games Imagenet, moment 2a alphafold go world champon & Google Transformer Attention Before we our 1982 intervuewDoeers in 1965 the twin Clara-Tokyo .Exps appeared: Intel's 100 times moore tech per decade Tokyo olympics sighting of Satellite telecoms (EJ:see 3 leaders vision connections JFK , Prince Charles, Emperor Hiorhito) - | Why not co=pilot JLHABITAT MAGIC everywhere- ie celebrate brainpower innovation maps : Jensen*Li*Hopper*Alphafold2*Blackwell*Intel*Transformer*Attention*Twins - MediateAGIChaos started up around Einsten and his revolution in margs of nature teamed up as NET: Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Sadly for 30 years the 20th C asked its 3 greatest maths brains to win atomic bomb race for allies -this left them 1951-6 to train Econonist Journalosts and others round last notes computer & brain on 2 new engines type 6 brainworking. type 7 Autonomous Intelligence Mapping |

Friday, December 31, 2010
Roughly half of world comprises four by 1 billion: girls, young women. mothers, grandmoms- HYPOTHESIS 2020s economistamerica.com needs now to celebrate freedom of young metoo lives matter. Try to stay out of the way of Men's supreme triad Donald , Vladamir, Yong. Maths at Codesmeta.com. | Dad, The Economist's Norman Macrae would have been 100 in 2023 (see below Glasgow celebration MES). Da'ds first trip to USA: 1951 year secondemnt by The Economist. He met Von Neumann: they agreed greatest sccopp journalists would ever mediate - what GOOD will peoples do with 100 times more tech every decade : 1930s to 2020s. GOD measnt a lot to both men- Von Neumann had less than 6 years left to deliver good tech legacy from the Goats of maths (including Einstein, Turing); these immigramnts had aminly been forced to work on the bad of nucleasr weapons; my dad had spent his last dayas as a teen in bomber command naviagting airplanes our of Burma; as well as survival his good fortune mapsd of the old woirld's tri-contiment in his head; notably the indo pacific whose coastline three quarters of humans depended on for world trade but which particularly britain had enginee4rd to enrich the west and trap asians in poverty- still with 100 times more good tech to go round - could everyone win-win; for example webbing life critical knowhow locally multiplies value in use unlike consuming up things. HOW DID DAD FOLLOW UP Neumann's Gift. He cheered on 5 labds (from Geneva to Tokyo, Gov road south of rinceton) and twin AI Labs facing pacific out of stanford (eg see 10th birthday celebration of place branded silicon valley) and facing atlantic out of MIT (Princeton's North East AI road). His bio of V neuman has been published in American and japanese. He wrote over 2000 anonymous leaders for The Economist and aged 39 was permitted one signed survey a year. You can see ost of tehse at tecahforsdgs.com- what did he write about? In the 1960s countries whose peoples had worried him most -starting with the Jpanese he had bomber consider Jpana 1962 (Russia 1963, latin Am 1964 , Algeria & S SAfrica; he concluded 1960s interviwing how dismally different Nixon's economit admin had been from jfk - the least national leader to celebartae with youyth 100 times more (moon race, mapping worldwide interdependence).Ironically Neumann's computational gift was sperading a macroeconomic numbers man whose systems compounded opposite of sustainability. Rather than argue with american academai- dad rebranded his purpose as future historian and entrepreneurial revolutionary. Still the main question search through 70s and up to 83 wgat good 100 times more. Then to offere a diferent end game to orewell's big brother we co-austhored from 18=984 2025 reports- -webs we expected to be designed from 1990; opportumities and threats of milennials first quarter centiry - the first sustainability generation or the first extintion generation. Join in the final tipping points now- support UN2.0 ,educatirs on web3 and metaverse, indsutrial revolution 4, society 5.0 depending which culture you come from and whether you traingularise valuation of 8 billion beings by corpoiarte ESG , civil society emwpoermemnt or what gov2.0 does gov |
Thursday, December 30, 2010
ighlights of countries from foreign affairs webs
Brazil 17/9
ighlights of countries from foreign affairs webs
Brazil 17/9
Xi Jinping Holds Talks with President Michel Temer of Brazil
The two sides should give play to such mechanisms as the Brazil-China High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields in a coordinated manner, actively probe into the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the Investment Partnerships Program and the Advance Plan of Brazil, and promote regional connectivity and interconnected development. Both sides should put forward unimpeded trade, promote the sustained and stable growth of bilateral trade, deepen innovation cooperation in such fields as infrastructure construction, manufacturing, agriculture, mining industry, energy, production capacity, and science and technology, and expand exchanges and cooperation in culture, media, tourism, sports, and other fields. Both sides should also further intensify cooperation within such multilateral frameworks as the UN, the G20, the BASIC countries and the World Trade Organization (WTO), and conduct coordination and collaboration on major international issues such as global economic governance and sustainable development.
Xi Jinping pointed out that over the past decade, the BRICS countries have opened up a new path featuring equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, and achieved a batch of tangible results. China is willing to work with Brazil to promote the "three-wheel drive" of economic cooperation, political security and people-to-people and cultural exchanges among the BRICS countries, thus initiating the second "golden decade" of BRICS cooperation.
Xi Jinping stressed that China firmly supports the Latin America to unite for self-development and revitalization, and is committed to constructing a community of common destiny for China and Latin America of joint development. Taking an active and open attitude towards cooperation with the South American Common Market, China is willing to improve the level of cooperation between China and the South American Common Market.
Michel Temer expressed that Brazil and China enjoy close friendship. Brazil attaches great importance to developing bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership as Brazil is a reliable partner of China. Brazil is willing to, while pursuing development in its national reform, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China in such sectors as trade, investment, finance, and agriculture in an all-round manner, and expand exchanges with China in people-to-people and cultural engagement, tourism and sports, so as to enhance the understanding and friendship between the two peoples. Both Brazil and China share similar stances under such multilateral frameworks as the UN, the G20 and the WTO, and keep close communication and coordination in global issues such as climate change and development. Brazil will provide China with full support in holding the BRICS Xiamen Summit successfully, and stands ready to work with China to enhance solidarity and cooperation among the BRICS countries and other developing countries.
After the talks, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of more than 10 bilateral cooperation documents in production capacity, e-commerce, quality inspection, electricity, tourism, health, financing, culture, sports, and other fields. other document 9/17
- Full text of President Xi's remarks at plenary session of BRICS Xiamen Summit
- Full text of President Xi's speech at opening ceremony of BRICS Business Forum
Past documents
- Xi Jinping Attends Dialogue Between Leaders of BRICS Countries and BRICS Business Council and
- Li Keqiang Meets with President Michel Temer of Brazil (2017-09-01)
- Yu Zhengsheng Meets with President Michel Temer of Brazil (2017-09-01)
- 7th Meeting of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues Held in Beijing (2017-07-28)
- Xi Jinping Holds Group Meeting with Heads of Foreign Delegations for 7th Meeting of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues (2017-07-28)
- Yang Jiechi Meets Respectively with BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues of South Africa, Brazil and India (2017-07-27)
- The 3rd BRICS Foreign Policy Planning Dialogue Held in Beijing (2017-07-24)
- Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui Meets with Foreign Representatives Attending 3rd BRICS Policy Planning Dialogue (2017-07-20)
- Xi Jinping Chairs BRICS Leaders' Informal Meeting (2017-07-07)
- Media Note of the Meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations(2017-06-19)
- Wang Yi Holds the Second China-Brazil Foreign Ministerial-level Comprehensive Strategic Dialogue with Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes of Brazil (2017-06-16)
- Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue Gong Xiaosheng Attends Meeting of BRICS Special Envoys on Middle East (2017-04-14)
- Xi Jinping Sends Letters to Leaders of Other BRICS Countries on China's Assumption of BRICS Presidency (2017-01-01)
- China and Brazil Hold the 2nd Consultation on Human Rights (2016-12-06)
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