Lets look at a space which the worlds eyes are on... as a benchmark to assessing if we are really seroous that batimore can be america's inner city lab of most youth excitement of the next 4 years
Its pretty easy to be a jobenomics researcher of leaders worth interviewing in dubai and surrounding region as young people like mostofa and yuxuan have been studying http://expo2020dubai.ae/ Omagine - Based on a true Story
Between October 2020 and April 2021, Dubai will host the next World Expo. Bringing together more than 180 nations and an international audience of 25 million visitors, it will be one of the greatest shows on Earth.
On a 438 hectare site, connected to three international airports and a dedicated transport network, Expo will provide visitors with the chance to see spectacular architecture, merge with global cultures, examine thoughtful and thought provoking exhibitions, and taste food from every corner of the globe. Above all, visitors to the event will witness the very latest in thinking and technology all in one place and at one time. Expo will be an unforgettable, once in a lifetime experience. We are preparing for an event that will enthral and amaze the many millions who visit, providing a sense of wonder at the ability of people, working together, to envisage and achieve a better tomorrow.
It wont be too hard to map which regions of china want a similar 2020 connection
Manny please will you give us a structure for supercity baltimore's jobs-transformation for youth of the sort i try to describe -
how do we linkin john hopkins as baltimores only world knowledge brand https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=dubai%20john%20hopkins&oq=dubai%20john%20hopkins&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.10614j0j8
i used to understand how to get connecting health open space events around zaras model-now that gone in terms of language that can be shared with those who are crazy about empowering youth or womens jobs in their region
i am going to assume the most generalisable model being analysed by our us etams is chucks
ie lets list which markets we intend to start intervening in within 6 weeks in baltimore -health and what else -which university leader in baltimore that you trust wants best connection with dubai 2020
who do we know in the development agency for baltimore or maryland- how do we bridge them now to dubai 2020
are we still going after health markets eg with marie's model as lead service we can talk to
i assume something in the arts linking your london launch- which arts institute in baltimore wants to linkin dubai 2020
when you rely on al what sectors practices are you actually relying on - for example does al have a wizard tech group around him or should i assume this is to be built around jayfus and naila -in bangaldesh brac invest several of mit's greatest apps wizards , and across the uae region of mostofa's global youth club abdul latifee and toyota networks invest in many more of mit's greatest wizards- all of this must bring down our degerees of separation with eg mit's dean
when i am back from dhaka i need to write a letter to leonsis- so that he sees we have permissions to baltimore-china-dubai that he cant reach on his own , we need this market by market story of value chains we are going to bring back smes to and ewe need to understand how experiments which may be more advanced in harlem offer hope of being transferable to baltimore
when i am in dhaka - sir fazle abed's family can literally list 100+ microfranchises they use to turn value chains in bangladesh to sustain poorest players
its very difficult to seriously tell sir fazle abed that we aim to go round the world with a tv channel linking leaders who are chnanging value chains back to smes and sustainable youth jobs without understanding what al brings to the epicentre that you imagine as baltimore 2020
chris macrae www.economistamerica.com
Nation Branding - Page xi - Google Books Result
Keith Dinnie - 2010 - Business & Economics
PART 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Glossary Index Nation-brand architecture A highly ... geography-chained market of nations (Chris Macrae) Online nation branding ...