breaking next president of USA launches AIparty
plan is next 2 years will be spent on a bipartisan debate across the country on how to humanise artificial's intelligence to create good jobs, renew communities thriving everywhere HU""AI before West-East cooperation helps us like Huawei again |
it doesnt really matter if you use the term AI or one of 10 other interconnecting tech terms = Big Data who's who, g5 who's who, blockchain who;s who, quantum who's who ....- all of which are converging to change everything people linkin and do in next 5 years- the cost of doing nothing about this is now very large- in fact a nation could go from developed to backward in under 5 years unless we unite to connect positives of every tech not the negatives
here is the bad news from robots the good news we can make robots better if we all help
good news references: search the AI caucus- q&a NYU's AI for 2019 breaking now ... rsvp with your favorite bookmark
go to - if you cant find todays interview of 3 leading politicians and intel sponsor tell me and i will try and send my favorite quotes that i scribbled down
back in 1960s america put 5000 bipartisan brains on getting to the moon- why cant we just invest in 5000 students going round the country programming ai debates until everyone linksin positively - happy 2019 eg i know people bot in usa and china who are determined to see a k-12 curriculum edited mainly by women and launched next year - why couldnt we all help mooc or wiki this
why is this urgent? because the social impact of technology are set to go from 1000 to 2000 times moore by 2025 versus 1946 - our 1984 book timelined this challenge would come some time about now - the fact that it actually is going to unite or destroy all of our youths sustainability goals is scary unless we make it great for everyone- just do it- oops that a nike slogan not an intel-edutech one- no worries both linkin out of oregon so i was tld in 2011 when dr yunus was chalenging women empowerment networks to linkin with students across the state, this is a story where we should value students more than their old professors stuck in siloised systems - you can't examine what future's about to happen, you can co-create it now with the universal connectivity we human now have and the robots will soon have-on the good news robots can scan eg ever piece of data ever recorded on cancer, and analyse connections humans just couldnt - or 100 other things where what maters is the transparency if the data and the owner- ai needs to be the greatest social collaboration race not one where separate pieces are privately owned - imagine if all 7.5 billion beings could join in than just getting AI of one nations people
Astronaut Ron Garan poses massive collaboration challenge ( more http
- maybe that's 2021's game once a president understanding ai by the people for the people is in office
but before that the world of valuig youth get a chance at the Jack MAolyuopics in 2020 corersponding to the first full year of fintech and ecommerce converging on edutech led out of geneva and with ai envoy sophia (now reformed tt Loveq humans) and UN human intelligence envoy and education commissioner jack ma
Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group and an Education Commission Commissioner, shares his thoughts on why