we can also look at tools such as grounded theory and open space technology which assume that conflicts often spin out of control absent of timely mediation freeing common sense of how to get out of a perfect storm of broken systems
LAST SUMMIT FUTURE- we come to bury science fiction only natural science ai matters to those who love millennials
AdamSmith.app notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of1 billiongirls; fortunately this happened in Clara's town the patron saint of health for mothers & infants also the Pacific Coast East birthplace of 1965 Moore's chips, and 2016 Hoppers 80 billion chip Gpu. In the most exciting AI20s.com, at EconomistWomen.com invite you to Gamify worldclassllm by celebrating greatest herstories through every community on earth's new & old worlds
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
Can Economists map 8 billion human relationships to be joyful and sustainable. This centuruy old question begun by Maths Goats Neumann Eintstein et al is coming down to the wire: extinction or sustainability of speies -2030reports.com . 2 main protagonits since 1970a billion poorest asian women have mapped quarer of the world's population's development with deeer joy and sustainability than all the wealth of American-English mindsets. Somwehere in netween the majority of human intels and almost infinet ART Intels wonder what UN2 countdown to 2030 can do next...LET's start with mapping SHELFF economies : S5 She-too womens intel built communities S3 Health: S4 Ed3 S0 LandLeaders s2 Food S1*17 Financial platforms (the 100 grey=blocks of intel between Unations & WallStreets

AdamSmith.app notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
See the world of Jensen, Li , Hassabis &&& Neumann survey What good will humans unite wherever get first access to 100+ times more tech every decade: Jensen liftoff 1996 Li & Hassabis (DeepTrain Computers) first seen in valley 2009; moment1 2012 Global Games Imagenet, moment 2a alphafold go world champon & Google Transformer Attention Before we our 1982 intervuewDoeers in 1965 the twin Clara-Tokyo .Exps appeared: Intel's 100 times moore tech per decade Tokyo olympics sighting of Satellite telecoms (EJ:see 3 leaders vision connections JFK , Prince Charles, Emperor Hiorhito) - | Why not co=pilot JLHABITAT MAGIC everywhere- ie celebrate brainpower innovation maps : Jensen*Li*Hopper*Alphafold2*Blackwell*Intel*Transformer*Attention*Twins - MediateAGIChaos started up around Einsten and his revolution in margs of nature teamed up as NET: Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Sadly for 30 years the 20th C asked its 3 greatest maths brains to win atomic bomb race for allies -this left them 1951-6 to train Econonist Journalosts and others round last notes computer & brain on 2 new engines type 6 brainworking. type 7 Autonomous Intelligence Mapping |

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
i was introduced by an american sociologist to forbidden questions- these look at where us senate etc has forbidden open debate- in effect crossroads in history where DC-POWER turned one view into law and has never revisited the exponential risks of not being able to innovate as tech changes the world around america or even its infrastructure inside- MORE THAN MANY BILLIONNAIRES HACKS, bloomberg searchers do ask -the white house down - some questions which go beyond the bipolar party politics and understand how the biggest vested interests have trapped the most powerful people in dc from stepping back and asking what is it i need to unlearn if i am to serve the frontlines-
Saturday, May 16, 2020
dear clara
i was once privileged to be a judge on one part of the mit 100k - its the benchmark year round college entrepreneur process- so i can recommend next thursday events free zoom to anyone available
i also interviewed edward roberts who.s book on colleges celebrating entrepreneurs is announced.. back in 2010- because i had earlier worked for 10 years on a global database offshoot of mit the co-dean of mit told me roberts had the longest leaning curve in all varieties of entrepreneurship- he was publishing how mit created more startups than the next 5 colleges combined- he told me that instead of making entrepreneur competitions hosted out of sloan business school - every discipline is encouraged to host year round startup competitions - he also explained its important that early pitching processes help students find coalitions not pitch separately
i am wondering do the 20 osun partners already have depth of practice links with boston- two of soros most scaled investments in late 1990s were jim kim now back in boston aiming to make boston a benchmark tracing town and the people who became the worlds first coalition in village phones end poverty
finally the keynote speaker founder of 23and me is interesting - big data of dna and family trees if it is trusted by its members needs ai applied to if we are to restore public health especially in inner city communities
best chris + 1 240 316 8157
ps your fathers book jefferson children is inspiring
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From: MIT $100K Competition <100kd@mit.edu>
To: "chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk" <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, 16 May 2020, 10:46:59 GMT-4
Subject: MIT $100K Competition Finale: May 21 at 6pm ET
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Sunday, May 3, 2020
back in 2002 privileged to meet cluetrain's doc searls for a coffee- he inspired the student coffee club format www.collaborationcafe.tv
economistamerica.com - - how americans could beat virus
- an open dialogue for syndication across 200 nations schools - rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk- any editorial errors or omissions joyfully corrected- we all need to learn community viral response-nature's viral challenges are bottom-up and borderless not top-down and siloised
homework for public servants and empowering frontline services
whats best open source maths on eg khan academy in under 5 minute on exponentials- disqualify all from public service if they cant pass test on this
proactivity and open networking
during ebola 2014 world bank leader jim kim found that both who and cdc werent practically grounded- he mobilised last mile health such as medecins sans frontieres - he could have been appointed as number 1 america spokesperson on staying ahead of virus -for americans not to linkin with jim kim and ban ki-moon is odd, their lives have built hi-trust by serving world out of america - linkin the peoples to the leades
steps- timely sequencing is life critical if you are to solve an exponential maths puzzle
1 korea and us reported first case same day- why not share action tracks- trump had claimed hi-trust korean relations were his unique global greatness- if this had been done within days the big us internet companies could have been asked how to trace and what have you learnt ai other big data that get us to be 100 times safer- ie the korean internet leaders model
2 from first us oulbreak elders facility kirklands seattle- everyone leading a regions respone nationally or locally could have zoomed - how map microlockdown of nursing homes to prevent at least third of likely deaths-the point is one standard benchmark needed implementation across all states- the value of states is not lowest common denominator but highest common integration-this is understood by lands led by engineers but not by people who see congress as a shouting chamber- by the way shouting makes 6 foot social distancing useless - it maximise droplets that hang in the air of a clsed space for several hours
3 random sample testing was needed by region leadership -3.1 of what % infected - having missed boat on that 3.2) what % antibodies- even in may, us regions are up to 20 times wrong in designing responses due to this lack of essential data-by focusing on testing questions on the supply chain of chemicals need to test could have been transparent from early feb- moreover the ridiculous time spent on ventilator supply was largely a red herring (ventilarors werent designed for old bodies- their purpose was saving a young body from an accident of war or roads or maybe gunfights) - what hospitals needed as last chance intervention could have been focused on eg getting plasma from people with antibodies
4 if above things had been done then a 2 month national lockdown could have been timed as the one only one needed instead of the likelihoods of 2 years of lockdowns and minimal air travel now stochastically likely til one of 3 things- cure, vaccine, herd immunity -
5 history shows most epidemics dont go beyond 50% infection of species but the science of why that is needs its own 5th grade curriculum-its less obvious when the uniqur driver virus plays by is maximising infection ie corona versus maximising killing eg ebola- while developing this lesson get your medical experts to clarify- does a virus always make its own trade - imagine if a virus could be designed to kill lke ebola and infect like corona- that would be the end of our species unless we have learnt solidaite from 2020s great struggle for loving peoples beyond borders
6 for years the lancet has been sayng schools number 1 missing curriculum is peer to peer adolescent health- elders should not be blaming millennials for teachers and schooling systems not yet providing any of experiential learning curriculum that the decades of 5g 4g 3g 2g worldwideweb and universal mobile connectivity demanded for any nations economy to healthily sustain growth and win-win traded the sdg generation needed
lockport edu system - uses aegis facial recognition - not on students but visitors to screen out 1 suspended former teachers; 2 sexual registered ; 3 selected individuals- see eg full measure abc today
the futures of fscial and virus recognition are at tipping point
ironically huawei users have experimented with far more local connecting solutions than american spymasters use of digital- incidentally neither democrats nor republicans are honest- hilary used commercial email because in her day something like yahoo was much less work, much more connecting- today most of the world zooms around a product a chinese student mainly developed for homework at a us university- racial classification of students is something that may yet bankrupt mr trump as prices of new york towers fall through virus roof
by definition gov coms tech is not competitve having only one supreme customer unlike internet services tested by up to 8 billion alumnisat simultaneously
the futures of fscial and virus recognition are at tipping point
ironically huawei users have experimented with far more local connecting solutions than american spymasters use of digital- incidentally neither democrats nor republicans are honest- hilary used commercial email because in her day something like yahoo was much less work, much more connecting- today most of the world zooms around a product a chinese student mainly developed for homework at a us university- racial classification of students is something that may yet bankrupt mr trump as prices of new york towers fall through virus roof
by definition gov coms tech is not competitve having only one supreme customer unlike internet services tested by up to 8 billion alumnisat simultaneously
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