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2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
Can Economists map 8 billion human relationships to be joyful and sustainable. This centuruy old question begun by Maths Goats Neumann Eintstein et al is coming down to the wire: extinction or sustainability of speies -2030reports.com . 2 main protagonits since 1970a billion poorest asian women have mapped quarer of the world's population's development with deeer joy and sustainability than all the wealth of American-English mindsets. Somwehere in netween the majority of human intels and almost infinet ART Intels wonder what UN2 countdown to 2030 can do next...LET's start with mapping SHELFF economies : S5 She-too womens intel built communities S3 Health: S4 Ed3 S0 LandLeaders s2 Food S1*17 Financial platforms (the 100 grey=blocks of intel between Unations & WallStreets

AdamSmith.app notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites EconomistAmerica.com: update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
See the world of Jensen, Li , Hassabis &&& Neumann survey What good will humans unite wherever get first access to 100+ times more tech every decade: Jensen liftoff 1996 Li & Hassabis (DeepTrain Computers) first seen in valley 2009; moment1 2012 Global Games Imagenet, moment 2a alphafold go world champon & Google Transformer Attention Before we our 1982 intervuewDoeers in 1965 the twin Clara-Tokyo .Exps appeared: Intel's 100 times moore tech per decade Tokyo olympics sighting of Satellite telecoms (EJ:see 3 leaders vision connections JFK , Prince Charles, Emperor Hiorhito) - | Why not co=pilot JLHABITAT MAGIC everywhere- ie celebrate brainpower innovation maps : Jensen*Li*Hopper*Alphafold2*Blackwell*Intel*Transformer*Attention*Twins - MediateAGIChaos started up around Einsten and his revolution in margs of nature teamed up as NET: Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Sadly for 30 years the 20th C asked its 3 greatest maths brains to win atomic bomb race for allies -this left them 1951-6 to train Econonist Journalosts and others round last notes computer & brain on 2 new engines type 6 brainworking. type 7 Autonomous Intelligence Mapping |

Monday, December 31, 1984
Sunday, December 30, 1984
mostofa please send us you update on this by monday latest
Billion Girls Boys top 10 partnership arciotecture of brac
1 british aid 2 kddi - japans number 2 in cellular 3 wise-educationaboveall un hub/girls edu city 4 who is brac s main health partner (?jim kim 5 legatum/ both at mit boston and dubai 6 mastercard foundation (hq toronto continents and western blockchians eg dont most pro-youth city) 7 gates foundation 8 unicef, child maternal health 9 the global fund major enterprsie markets that brac is national leader of from milk powder tech to poultry to crafts to silks, spices
please firstly improve this list - what have i left out
any errors are mine alone but hopefully the correct clues outnumber the errors - co-editing details welcome
secondly one page write down what each partner does which most helps brac billion girls boys- it can be a powerpoint one partner per page - if we are not sure what a famous partner does eg chevron just put a questionmark
make a minimum version of each page which amy can translate in chinese
you can share the longer notes and where not causing conflict blog them
if questionmark on what does big partmer d thats a win for BGB's most urgent sustainability avtions - can islam point to who in the organigram does know -it may be at brac hq, 5o yards dwn the road at brac university or one of the tech and banking ofiices now distributed all round dhaka- but who is the person who knows bracs relationship with each partner
the reason we need this is if someone like audrey sees the list then she can see why she should be thinking brac is her number 1 dream partner to discuss all her girls goals with -that is if sir fazle and she turn out to have the sae dreams to action
she is just one example of people who dont yet know brac - eg jack ma is a big example but so is the whole network of national leaders discussing whether developing countries have invetsment needs that the g7 alone cant conceive of let alone design sustaianble community economics or education around
1 british aid ( i have no idea whether austrilian and ommonwesalth aid) need to be identified sepratley or if they all work as one (also british delegation to aiib)
2 kddi - japans number 2 in cellular - partber with brac net - critical to understand if jack ma still owns main browser to india mobile who owns main browser to bangla mobile- how does all this connect or disconnect with bangla as elearning nation- how does this connect with japan embassy team and jica ( japan tends to low profile brand so if there are other japan networks that link with brac - i think they were once big in rice sceince we need to know who in brac organigram best understad all brac connection with japan both deeply in community such as rice and massively tech)
3 wise-educationaboveall un hub/girls edu city (or whomever at un gordon brown education envoy jack ma on eminent committee youth livelihoods; other on eminent committee concerned iwth region from first ladies of refugees (moza) to conncetors of new africa (ghana, kagame, south africa post zuma)...wants edutech summit to be what microcreditsummit always could have been - this issue also raises who is bracs envoy to tsinghua because tsinghua is the picentre of servant leaders unis in the same way that i though brac was- you can see this by eg interviewing all top people at brac uni on their partnerships with univetsities and then searching to see tsingua's connections in same places; tsinghua also host annual meeting to china tech and public servant leaders value each others development of youth - (china has many more subtleties but if you start with tsinghua they can map all the other gateways including chengdu the designated city for south west youth exhnages- i know the person in new york responsible for inviting 2000 exchnage students every 4 months)- mostofa i think you know that if you go to YouthGlobalAffairs.com - can you help with new york agency for global2.0 and wise@UNGA - top right hand col lists as many chinese wise delegates as i can and i try and sort out who does what but this would be much easier to do if eg islam visted tsinghua and went through this list with eg director of education department at tsinghua who attended wise and amys friend ying lowrey who scouts for students jack ma needs most aliresearch.com is now only in chinese but is yings portal - she is author of book alibabaway; her main mentor is nobel economist mass thriving in columbia; she started her career as a barefoot dosctor so it shouldnt bee too dificult for her to want to help brac
4 who is brac s main health partner- whats confusing here is that the main billionnaire invetsor in last mile health is george soros and sir fazle is his main open socuety laureate- it used to be easy to talk to jim kim about why he loved sir fazle abed so much but not now he;s at world bank where he has been told to end all favoritism with people he used to know which includes all of ww.pih.org and so all of boston- att aiib in korea last summer i talked to the hong kong person who jim kim chose for the IFC the financial arm of the world bank - he said he joined wanting to try so much - the job imprisoned him and jim kim in bureacracy - hence he has left and if there is one chienese person in dc jim kim can still rely on braisntroming with - well i dont know who that is- also what happened to paul romer is noteworthy- he wrote a review that peru hadnt really folowed up all the chances kim had given it and jim kim was told by whole of latin america to fire romer - this is only a small example of wheels within wheels when a bretton woods institution insists every national delegation should be in the head office and boss the overall leader in this case jim kim or mapmaker romer - oirtunately guterres has made it clear that he is no ban ki-moon - he will move wahtever works whereever it needs to be even if that means the un in manhatan becomes trumps next hotel which is want DJK-manny wants anyhow
-if youth want to spread arts go and talk to monica yunus and fosun at Sing for Hope | Uplifting Lives Through The Arts they have an exhibition space a few yards from imperative fund
5 legatum/ both at mit boston and dubai and whose coders with kenya nick hughes built brac's http://www.bkash.om (there is also some connection between all this and abdul latif though i fear latif may still be stuck with grameen bank - and you know saudi g20 in 2020 alongside dubai expo 2020 nd qatar outpositioning both places in terms of future of youth makes the middle east tricky in ways china may not yer see) but hopefully tokyo g20 2019 Mastermind Quiz- saving human race from extinction 2030-1946 2020-beijing olympics 2022. (qatar world cup 2022) macron olympics 2024 can help youth outpace saudi if it is a BGB race in opposite directions - note mit is alos hub of berners lee- who in his team needs to know who at bracnet
6 mastercard foundation - its director alumn of tufts close friend of iqbal says her parnership out of uganda has been main one in testing what girls adolesent clubs can do - i am not sure this is wholy the case because otherwise why dont they know audrey; but what we need is brac to clarify its main sponsorship corcle of girls clubs so we can see if they are more collaborative or more focused as you go from one nation to another- i do underdtasd that girls clubs have to be sasfe first this is one reasn why it may be that only brac not a whole citcle of its sponsors can scale this major girls channel of BGB
7 gates foundation -what does it do for brac - i thinks gates want tanzania to be its main lab for fintech, and everything; i understand it learns from brac on doing this but not sure i understand if it explains brac to all theotehr technolgists who belive gates foundation is pivotal
8 unicef, child maternal health - in the days of james grant - brac and unicef changed the world tigether that is presumably why brac uni coulod be lead last mile servant leader school- curricula- khan academy's missing piece too but we dont understand who is this schools main partber any longer both columbia and berkeley apparently launched some stuff with fazle but when i go to tesde universities i can really find whos doing this -more to the point ed resor sho has helped bracnet from 1996 and compiles allopen learning at Home doesnt seem to be able to find any brac connectiosn at columbia- not of the sort who can help us walk over to the unicef or the un (ed plase forgive me if i have misdescribed this - as you know you had several klite coleagues at wise but i dont think any of them met sir fazle nor the chiense edutech people they could have if vrac was known to be pivotal to open learing community livelihods)
9 when it comes to heath there is also the global fund - of course when it comes to ending tb and ending malaria brac has more real solutions than all the huge ad camapigns that are sponsored by bed net manufacturers- if i underdtand correctly malaria only goes away when you completely updrade wash/sanitation (not sure i understad who brac's main parter in that is)
10 you could also review each major enterprsie markets that brac is national leader of from milk powder tech to poultry to crafts to silks, spices - i am not sure who the global industry knowhow leaders are of this and how they fit as ecommerce will increasingly enter these markets
this is in no way complete- but honest to goodnedss anyone who doesnt search trough brac connections cant ultimately help the world poorest girls which is why brac needs rebranding eg BRAC BGB (Billion Girls Boys) - the poorest half billion girls need learning access to what brac can share not what some standardised publisher curriculum producer monpolises 4 ways
whats taught
whats researched
whats examined
whats certified
edutech and fintech can come together now across india china and bangaldesh - if they dont its not clear how many humans will be alive in 2050 -thanks
green is not clear - mostfa i think you said brac gave up microsolar becasue the government insisted on wining that - of cousre this brings us to the gov as the trickest partner of all - if you briefing does one page on all of partners above and just ends with brac thak s government for all its help is to much to start listing that may be the best way to satrt sharing a document on brac that doesnt cause local angst
also part 2 will list other missing flows - eg if i was to chat to one person in brac who looks at next countries girls need to be valued in and so brac gorl envoy club needs to be reaching out to - who is that person assuming sir fazle is too busy to chat that
also in the world of coopetition there are networks that may be local rivals but global partners- yunus and hs pr people like sam daley harris (results.org) never understood how generous sir fazle was as a global parnter- i assume some part of grameen phone does as ultimately it needs iqbal mit more than iqbal needs grameen - so BRAC BGB doorway to all the global brands 9eg john mackey wholefoods 1% fair trading agri value chains, france who thought it would elad the word with sustainability mba at hec invented by one youth whise first job was with mother teresa and another whose first job was in a bolivian microcredit) who thought they want to rediscover conscius market purspeois with yunus and needed to know sir fazle abed since 1997 when the clintons and queen sofia started designing summits which ended up greenwashing the way american fame media is world expert in
of course the whole world of communicatiosn BGB its simpler if a storyteler like amy is given something to viralise every few months because thats digitsal village's new ground up girls marketing and why brac brand architecture is a project that has never been done before even though i published the genre of brand architecture 30 years ago with people like ian ryder and jack yan whilst working for prioce waterhouse coopers and big ad agencies
chrus macrae dc text 240 316 8157 linkedin UNwomens 1000days.world economistbangla.com POP sustainability goals: little sisters outrace big brothers
see attached graph- if beliving in satyagraha or equivalent culture - franscican, confucian, zen, DAMO)you want to end how colonisation reduced china and india's markets by 90% (main case of poverty then india and bangaldehs and china build a railway along south coast to china and straighy line across india eg mumbia to calcutta and on theorogh cox's bazaar and to china's rich east coast; you build a railiway traignline from cox's to cengdu to beijing; and the chengdhu railway line therough delhi hits the cost at pakistan gward port - that is the map that all south asia youth networks need to start with and tehn exchnage with aseans' map which is alread more or less agreed with china - knowing where the trading route logically flow can help billion girls boys sustian communities with peace- there is no need for ared navies if all the caosteal riutes free up trade for all communities; of cousre ecomerce is 1000 times more advanced in seeing those possibilitiues but what hapens on the ground depends on failies communities learning for livelihoods brac bgb style
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