the 14 yera old adam smith made a fascinating discovery about the english empire mindset in the 1750s the last decade before his compatriot James Watt invented engines
the word's number 1 university (and indeed total education sysetms) - oxford in the 1750s was a monolpoly designed for the conveiennce of profs and buraucrats to master over people not to value youth
265 yeras ago ad am smith launched koral sentiments economics the last economic book before engines - and over the first 20 yeras of engines he argued that wehrever engneers went they should share the benefots of engineering as deeply as possible with all the peoples ; just as 265 yeras later we face teh same problem will ai be designed around deep and diverse enough data artifivials to assists all human intels
we know from humanity's secod last chnance the borth of the iunited nations in 1945 that 7 white empires did exactly the oooposite of sdharing machines everywhere - the root cause of world war 2 was world trade had been carved up by thesde 7 emepires (as well as japan which caught the empire deisease when the american navy indicated it would otherwise colonise japan in the late 180ss)
yhe process used not to share engines included slavetrading , genocide, colonisation (designing mainly other peopels coastal belts so that theor natural resources benefits those who organsiaed a few whita capital cities) whilst impoversihing/ ruining locals natural opportunities; as well as fame currencies eg the british proposition to china - opium as a currency or be exclded from world trade for 112 yeras)
back in 1962 tyhe economist put together a lot of good news :
the sixties wasnt hust teh start of the moon race decade but every decade thanks tp von neumann would bring 100 tiem smore tech to invent with
over in the east 2 asia rising models were evuidenced by japan-korea-taiwan (soon hong kong singapore) 100% fully empoted vilagers (rural keynsiansim) ; supercities designing win-win tarder around small eneterprise supply chains leveraging technology adaptation in ever smarter ways ; there was however a chalenge - to enter the supercity game you needed to value 10 times more efficient ports (eg containiersiation) 10 times more efficient design of traisn (both supercity undergrounds) and unless you were a one city state - bulet trains so that people could commute 100 miles as easily as drive in through an american city's rush hour and suburban sprawl
so while the asia rising models gave the majority of the human race (60%+ are Asiam) the chnace to be included in world trade for teh first time - they offered everywhere entrepreneurial revolution value start up enterprsies and community scaled productivity as well as opportumities to leapfrog ahead of eacg 1g to 5g decade not get socially conflicted in the past; and in turn if tital transformation eg green otr educatioj were needed - that was the pen sourec gifto of valueing youth/families/communities as integral to world trade the way Asia's compiunde development maps around