Does Ameruca have anyone capable of writing on one page what a no backdoor G5 would look like- why not publish it where netizens trust - eg with tim berners lee as well as senc it to huaweil and erickkson (anyone else who makes as opoosed to installs 5g)
I ask this question seriouisly as my family has done more than most to question artyofivcal devbates from the 10960s wehre they started..we ceratinlt dont cliam to have supplied many answers but our questions pn what are we going to do with a trillion times moore silicon chp ;power than was needed to reach the moon have looked 1G decade or more ahead pf tyome and have expoentially landed more or less on the times worldwide decisipons needed to be made- such as were the millennium goals just fake PR and are the sustainability goals just part o2 of faking global summits where tiop nations turn up and tell us 8 billion people how well these 20 to 200 people are ruling (depending whether the summit is a 20 naytions pone or all nations approx 200 )
I dont like virises but i have had to live round them ever since installing my first bitv of microsoft; there is an implication that back doors unlike microsfot vkiruses are intentional- in that case it should be easy to specify what one is- makers in g5 can from this day on they are happy to be tested anywhere that they dindt deleivetr something with a back door (of course the problem continues because who knows what any installer does next)
if we need a back dpor ins[ectorate like we have nucreal inspectoraes fine, buit do nlot one one hand have hundreds of natiosn plarising each pther for signing up to sustainability development goals and then stop us ordinary people from using the only way (ie the tech) that can replcate solutions to everu community that needs them.
Of course of a nation wants to comp;etely withdraw frpom all sustainabkilityu goalps it should say so. Maybe every electirac candiadate for us 2020 needs to first make that clear.
Ultimately there is an awful maths mistake- the value a nation is far more than its dgp - mlost of ot ios goodwill just as most of bog corporations is goodiwll. If Americans want to vote for being the only major nation that withdraws from thye united 2020os race to sustainability goals they had beetr say so now instead of "backdootring" how humanity can depend on us as laeding the world in many ways except when we unilaterally decide that we afre seapareate and above all other peoples
LAST SUMMIT FUTURE- we come to bury science fiction only natural science ai matters to those who love millennials notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of1 billiongirls; fortunately this happened in Clara's town the patron saint of health for mothers & infants also the Pacific Coast East birthplace of 1965 Moore's chips, and 2016 Hoppers 80 billion chip Gpu. In the most exciting, at invite you to Gamify worldclassllm by celebrating greatest herstories through every community on earth's new & old worlds
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
Can Economists map 8 billion human relationships to be joyful and sustainable. This centuruy old question begun by Maths Goats Neumann Eintstein et al is coming down to the wire: extinction or sustainability of speies . 2 main protagonits since 1970a billion poorest asian women have mapped quarer of the world's population's development with deeer joy and sustainability than all the wealth of American-English mindsets. Somwehere in netween the majority of human intels and almost infinet ART Intels wonder what UN2 countdown to 2030 can do next...LET's start with mapping SHELFF economies : S5 She-too womens intel built communities S3 Health: S4 Ed3 S0 LandLeaders s2 Food S1*17 Financial platforms (the 100 grey=blocks of intel between Unations & WallStreets notes it took 10 quarters of a century for USA to listen to intel of
2025report (est 1983 Economist) final ed invites update ED's 1982 Economist Survey with Doerrs & others )Why Not Silicon Valley Everywhere/
See the world of Jensen, Li , Hassabis &&& Neumann survey What good will humans unite wherever get first access to 100+ times more tech every decade: Jensen liftoff 1996 Li & Hassabis (DeepTrain Computers) first seen in valley 2009; moment1 2012 Global Games Imagenet, moment 2a alphafold go world champon & Google Transformer Attention Before we our 1982 intervuewDoeers in 1965 the twin Clara-Tokyo .Exps appeared: Intel's 100 times moore tech per decade Tokyo olympics sighting of Satellite telecoms (EJ:see 3 leaders vision connections JFK , Prince Charles, Emperor Hiorhito) - | Why not co=pilot JLHABITAT MAGIC everywhere- ie celebrate brainpower innovation maps : Jensen*Li*Hopper*Alphafold2*Blackwell*Intel*Transformer*Attention*Twins - MediateAGIChaos started up around Einsten and his revolution in margs of nature teamed up as NET: Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Sadly for 30 years the 20th C asked its 3 greatest maths brains to win atomic bomb race for allies -this left them 1951-6 to train Econonist Journalosts and others round last notes computer & brain on 2 new engines type 6 brainworking. type 7 Autonomous Intelligence Mapping |

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